Manchester City is a team that is capable of winning the Premier League, but it is not the most stable.
It is clear that the team needs to strengthen its lineup. In the summer, the club signed Cristiano Ronaldo, who will be the main star of the team. The Portuguese is a player that can change the face of the club, and he will definitely be able to do it.
However, the team also has to make some changes, because the previous summer the club lost a lot of points. In particular, the main players of the previous season were:
* Leroy Sané;
* Kevin De Bruyne;
* Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang.
The club did not manage to win the Champions League, which is why the club is not in the best shape.
Now, the situation is changing, and the club has a bright future. In order to achieve this, the management will have to strengthen the lineup, and it is clear now that the main goal of the management is to sign a new striker.
The main striker of the current team is the Brazilian Ronaldo, but the club also has other strikers, such as:
• Lukaku;
• • Firmino.
These players can be used in different combinations, and this will allow the club to achieve its goals.
In order to get the best out of the new players, the coach of the City has to give them the best training, and that is exactly what he does.
Livescore today of the most interesting teams
The new season of the English Premier League is now in full swing, and there are a lot interesting matches to watch.
This season, the most intriguing match is the one between Manchester City and Chelsea. Both teams have a lot to show, and they will try to achieve the best result possible.
Both teams are in a good shape, but they have different goals. The City has a lot on its plate, and now the main task is to get into the Champions league zone.
Chelsea is in a better shape, and its main goal is to win a place in the Champions club tournament. The team has a good lineup, which allows it to achieve all its goals, and in the new season it will be very difficult for the Blues to get out of their group.
You can always follow the livescore today on the website of sports statistics, where you will find the latest news from the world of your favorite sports.
Manchester United and Liverpool are the main contenders for the title of the best team in the world. Both clubs have a good selection of players, and many of them are able to change the course of the game of their rivals.
One of the main rivals of the Red Devils is Chelsea. The Blues have a number of players that can be called the best in the Premier league, such us:
· Lindelof;
· • Mata;
and • Rashford.
United has a number that can compete with the Red devils, such a as:
·• Martial;
but the main thing is that the club needs to improve its lineup, because many of the players have not been in good shape for a long time.
If you look at the livescores today of both teams, you will see that the match is very interesting. The match is also important for the fate of the championship, because if the Red team wins, it will have a chance to get to the Champions cup.
Who will be Manchester United’s trump card?
The team of Jose Mourinho is in good form, and you can see this in the livescan today of their matches. The coach has a very clear game plan, and if he succeeds, the result will be a lot more than the club can boast.
Many people are surprised by the fact that the Red can win the championship. The main reason for this is the fact the Mourinho’s team has the trump card of a number.
There is a good squad, and Mourinho has managed to find a number for each of his players. This allows him to use each of them in different ways.
For example, the Portuguese uses LindelOF in a number 5 position, and his team has already managed to get a good result in the match against Chelsea.
Also, the players of Mourinho have a great understanding with the team’s trump cards. This is why they can easily win the match, even if the opponent is a strong team.
Another trump card is the ability of the Portuguese to make substitutions. This will allow him to change his lineup, so the team will be able not to lose points.
New season of Manchester United and the main rival
The season of English football is in full flow, and Manchester United is the main contender for the champion title. The season has already seen a lot changes in the club.
Before the start of the season, Mourinho was the coach, and despite the fact he is a newcomer, the results of the match with Chelsea are very good.
After the first match, the fans were very happy with the results, and after the second match, they were even more enthusiastic.
As for the team, it has a new lineup, but even more importantly, the leaders have not yet played in the team for a while.